The Meezer Trio Web Ring is not just for siamese cat lovers,
but for lovers of any type of cat. If you have a cat-related web site,
Join the ring & have some fun! It's easy...just follow the steps below.

Step 1: Save and upload the graphic above to your own server. Direct linking is NOT allowed!

Step 2: Fill out the form below completely to submit your site to the queue. This does not add you to the ring yet. Be sure that the url that you use is the same url you will be placing the HTML code on.

Step 3: After submitting your site, you will receive a confirmation page containing the HTML code for the ring. Copy & paste this code right into your page. Your site needs to be approved by us and the ring logo must be on your page, before we can add your site to our ring. Any site missing the ring logo after 3 days of joining will be deleted from this list.

*AOL USERS* Before you save the image, please go to MEMBERS, PREFERENCES and WWW and make sure your graphics are set to "uncompressed" so when you upload the image to your page, it will be able to be seen by everyone, not just people on AOL. The graphic needs to show up on your page, before we can submit your site.
*AOL USERS* Copy the HTML code from the confirmation page you get when you join. You cannot copy the code from the e-mail as AOL distorts HTML thru e-mail. You can also get the HTML code after you join by going to the "MEMBER EDIT" section at the bottom of this page and enter your ID# and Password you got in the confirmation e-mail.

Submit a site to The Meezer Trio Web Ring
Site Title:
Site URL:
Site Owner:
EMail Address:
Site Description:

Meezer Trio Web Ring
site is owned by
Catwhiskas Place.

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Want to join the ring?
Click here for info

Edit Your Info Or Get Your HTML Code Here
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